Choose to be prudent


Sometimes we’re asked to step up to the plate and do something difficult. An example would be when you are asked to be a trustee. 

While it’s nice to be asked, we have the freedom of choice. We can either say yes, or we can say no. 

When we agree to a position of responsibility it’s important to do the right thing. While it is not unusual to feel doubt or uncertainty, it can also be a time of great personal growth and learning.

American author Seth Godin has written about the link between freedom and responsibility. 

As he puts it, freedom is the ability to set your schedule, to decide on the work you do and to make decisions. On the other hand, responsibility is about being accountable for your actions.

He goes on to say that freedom and responsibility aren't given, they're taken.  It’s our choice.

In other words, when we agree to take on responsibility, not only are we choosing to act, we're also choosing to be responsible and take accountability for our actions.

When you think of it that way, freedom of choice comes with a price. Always take the time to understand what you’re getting into and set the right terms.

Trust good practice.
